You may have trouble remembering when you started paying on your student loans, that's okay! You only have to estimate the month and year (mm/yyyy). Typically, most student loan borrowers begin making payments 6 months after they graduated or stopped attending their university or college. For example, if you graduated in December 2018 (12/2018), you likely would've begun payments in June 2019 (06/2019).
If you have completed your schooling in increments, please use the date that is 6 months after your most recent graduation date. For example, if you completed your undergraduate schooling from 2000-2004 and then continued onto graduate school in 2015, and graduated or left in 2016, you would've begun payments 6 months after your 2016 graduation or departure date.
For those who have been or are currently in forbearance, please put the date you expect be begin making payments again.