As every student loan borrower's situation is unique, the Savi Experts sometimes need additional context about your loan situation in order to provide you with the most accurate and detailed guidance.
Here are some reasons we might request this file:
- Your loans may require Consolidation (to become eligible for a federal forgiveness program)
- Loan Types may need to be verified (some default loan types pre-2008 are not eligible for certain federal forgiveness programs)
- If you have Changed Your Repayment plan (or are otherwise unsure about your previous or current repayment plan)
- To verify your repayment history (or if you are otherwise unsure)
When we do ask, the process is generally quite simple in order to find it. This data file (.TXT file type) can be downloaded from your Federal Student Aid account online. Note, you will need to download on a computer or laptop.
Here's how:
1. Log into your account at Federal Student Aid. After you confirm your information, you will see your Dashboard.
2. On your dashboard, you will see a section on the right called "My Info". Below that you will see "My Aid" and you can click on that.
3. On the top right hand side, select "Download My Aid Data".
4. Select "Continue" to download your Student Loan Data to your computer
5. This file will download as a TXT file named: MyStudentData.txt
6. Upload the .TXT file to your Savi account at
If you are using your Student Loan Data File to sync your loans, you will upload the file in the loan sync section of the Savi application by clicking "Upload Student Loan Data File" and then uploading the TXT file.
Having issues? You can follow a step by step guide here.